The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina. By Ophera David

This book reveals the untold experiences of twelve Mississippi Black women before, during and after one of America’s most iconic natural disasters – Hurricane Katrina.

It examines how these women recovered and rebuilt their lives since 2005, through a series of interviews conducted over a ten-plus-year period.

The interviews included provide a unique opportunity to understand the rational behind these women’s decisions – without putting words in their mouths. Sharing these would help students develop empathy for victims and survivors of natural disasters – something some may find difficult, having never experienced a natural disaster themselves.

Academically written, The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina would be a great NEA example to share with A-level students. It outlines Davis’ methodology, chosen sampling technique, data presentation methods and data analysis – influenced by the literature review conducted prior to its undertaking.

And for anyone who still teaches Hurricane Katrina as a case study, it’s a treasure trove for impacts and responses.

Recommended age range: A-level+